

I BUY THIS CUP~ THIS CUP PUT AT THE SHOP FOR SAMPLE~ TODAY, MY 2ND DAY for art class.. my lukisan~ hahahaa.. 1st time learn drawing~ 1st project! **************************************************** HAOREN newr hair colour very nice..!!! :) hahahaa.. i can't get chocalate from him.. wuhhuuuu.. sad.~ cauz last time i no guess betul what his hair colour.. my favourite choacalte gone away~~~ **************************************************** i giv up for addmats subejct AM I RIGHT? i dono.. juz nw no go addmath tutiion.. teacher sms me.. "STOP ADDMATH TUITION?? WHAT PROBLEM?" aaiisskkkk...... addmath this subject, is hard for me.. i can't handle this subject.. cauz at sch,my class no teach~ then tuition, 1 week 1time~ is hard to score for it~ I give up addmath... and choose art~~~~~~ HOPE I WON'T REGRET~ ************************************************* SONY ERICSSON c-905 or SONYERICSSON s001 better?? this pic is S001 c-905 i no pic....

2 条评论:

  1. im also choose c-905 but i scare i regret~
    cauz s001 nt yet reach.. i scare after i buy.. houhui
