i wish mummy is beside me right now..
because im sick
feel so bad.....
last time when i was at hometown.
when im sick, mummy will take care of me....
now....... who take care me??
"dai gor nui" jor..... need take care for myself ady......
wuwuuu~ :'(
im so tired.. can't concentrate at class also~
mood so down~~~ cause of some1...
sommore this few days weather not so good..
sometimes rain sometimes sunny day......
see @@ so nice right??
what's the msg of sky trying to show us?
(^.^)?? anyboy know?
tmr 28/5/2011 jie will come to fetch me out~
pindah rumah then gaigai~
long time never gaigai ady.......
i want eat something delicious! and buy some nice &good quaility clothes..
and also shoes, if can :)
the 1st day i start my co-curiculum at college~~
it's quite fun lah~
can know alot of friend...
sometimes feel veryLONELY...
its beacause i have no friend accompany me to join basketball club~
except : william teh (my housemate)
last nitght, i already keep all of my things to ready for shift to my new condo + room~
not mine lah actually...
i just rent the room only.. hehehe ^^
carmen(my roomate) , she said she will cry when i leave the house~~~
she will miss me... and she will try to visit me if she free....
hahaa.. she copy down my timetable......to know what time im free
= =''
feel like want to have steamboat or BBQ
but last 2 days ady have steamboat with friends, cause of KENNY birthday
hmmpp.. i have no ideas now........
the 1st day i start my co-curiculum at college~~
it's quite fun lah~
can know alot of friend...
sometimes feel very
its beacause i have no friend accompany me to join basketball club~
except : william teh (my housemate)
last nitght, i already keep all of my things to ready for shift to my new condo + room~
not mine lah actually...
i just rent the room only.. hehehe ^^
carmen(my roomate) , she said she will cry when i leave the house~~~
she will miss me... and she will try to visit me if she free....
hahaa.. she copy down my timetable......to know what time im free
= =''
feel like want to have steamboat or BBQ
but last 2 days ady have steamboat with friends, cause of KENNY birthday
hmmpp.. i have no ideas now........
[yesterday when i finish work and want back home,
i car accident. my car spoil so geng.. my leg injured dy ]
a msg from him......
my 1st respond is : OMG.......
what happen? whats going on?
why suddenly like that?
then i give him a called....
im so glad that he is safe...... : )
still can eat MC'Donalds
then i paksa him to buy me the pink colour coca-cola glass ^^
ppl bang wall he bang car.............
times to change a NEW car lah.....

my friend :D
god bless! he's safe.........
i car accident. my car spoil so geng.. my leg injured dy ]
a msg from him......
my 1st respond is : OMG.......
what happen? whats going on?
why suddenly like that?
then i give him a called....
im so glad that he is safe...... : )
still can eat MC'Donalds
then i paksa him to buy me the pink colour coca-cola glass ^^
a joke from his fb pic comment :
P: still can smile n eat mcd
A: if not cry and eat bao?
silly things XD hahahaa
Lets have a look for his car......
ppl bang wall he bang car.............
times to change a NEW car lah.....

my friend :D
god bless! he's safe.........
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